***We have temporarily stopped our face to face activities – but we are still offering health and fitness support online – contact us for details of how we can continue to support you!***

At Steps 2Wards Health since the beginning of March, we have been closely following the Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Health England advice daily, carefully weighing up the risks of contracting & spreading the virus versus maintaining physical fitness and psychological wellbeing for those who are fit and well, particularly as the classes that we offer are outdoors. As a result of the pandemic that is now affecting the UK, we made a number of changes to the operations of the business since 09th March 2020, including:

  • Increased hygiene to reduce risk of cross-contamination, including increased frequency of handwashing, use of alcohol gel before and after 1:1 sessions and classes, rigorous cleaning of equipment, use of PPE such as gloves to use, move and clean equipment.
  • Telephone call or text messaged 1:1 clients before planned meeting.
  • Regular notifications for class attendees in person & in our Whatsapp/Facebook Groups & via the Exercise Anywhere mailing list to ensure that members follow Public Health England’s advice if they have even mild cold symptoms to not attend class and to follow the self-isolation procedures if members or anyone in the household have suspected symptoms, had contact with someone that has had or developed the symptoms. Links to the gov.uk advice were provided.
  • Amendments to the class delivery, including social distancing, ceased partner work (e.g. gentle strength work with poles). Ceased coffee shop/pub social activities.
  • Set up a closed group on-line wellbeing class for our 1:1 clients and class members, with a view to serve as a tool to promote physical fitness and mental wellbeing at this challenging time.
  • Informed customers that they would need to complete waivers to continue with activities that they would be participating at their own risk.
  • Took advice from our insurance company on 20/03/20 to ensure that we were covered to safely deliver with the measures listed above.

However, on the evening of the 20/03/2020, the government took further and significant steps to protect the public by closing restaurants, pubs and cafes. We are now being advised to stay at home wherever possible. We feel that now is a responsible time to protect our members, loved ones and community around us to temporarily stop delivering our face to face services.

We would like to reassure our clients that we will be providing online opportunities for you all to continue working with us. We feel that it is important now more than ever to do our best to keep you all fit & well, physically, mentally & emotionally, and we will do our best in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in during this challenging time to serve & provide a service to you. Between us, we have a multitude of physiotherapy, personal training & holistic coaching knowledge & skills to support your health, fitness and lifestyle choices that we would love to share with you. We are already putting these plans in place but if there is any other support that you are looking for – then do let us know!

Finally – we would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kindness, cooperation and support messages to date, it has been a real pleasure to receive them. It is heart-warming to hear that members really value what we are already offering & we are very grateful to have such a wonderful community around us.

Our best and healthy wishes,

Jayne & Billy

To remain up to date with the latest Coronavirus Health advice, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus


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