how to create healthy habits

This is a mistake people make a lot, myself included, up until recent years anyway.

Now I want to help others not make the same mistakes I did.

Is this you:

  • Ditching exercise routines when something appears better
  • Letting ‘I don’t have time get in the way
  • Changing your eating habits too often
  • Having the mentality after a few weeks of saying ‘this isn’t working might as well try something else’
Sound familiar??

 The reason in my opinion this is such a downfall for people is that.

It puts a halt on your progress, not just physically but more importantly mentally as well- seems obvious right?!

It does not set people up for having the right mind frame to make better choices long term.

It creates confusion, overwhelm and often leaves people not really knowing how to help themselves in the best possible way.

I get it, something new or as some put it (revolutionary) may seem more appealing to tempt you to chop and change what you’re doing for your health and fitness.

Yet, to keep on top of your health and fitness in a manageable way, so that you do not feel like you have fallen off the rails and lost complete control try to celebrate your SMALL health and fitness wins, trust me it helps to prevent chopping and changing routines too often.

Try things such as:
  • Find some alternative food & drink options that will not be difficult to prepare & are easily accessible.
  • Plan some tasty meals in advance – helps to prevent undesirable snacking and helps you get ahead of yourself.
  • Eat the foods you love yet try and slightly reduce the amount you actually have- just because there are more food options available doesn’t mean you have to eat or drink for the sake of it.
  • Being more aware of how you’re eating i.e., not mindlessly dipping your hand in the quality street tin whilst watching Netflix.
  • MOVE MORE – yes something as simple as going for a fresh air walk helps burn those few extra calories.

Simple strategies – YES

EASY to implement – YES

Makes a difference quickly in your life – DEFINITELY

These are all small things you can do differently yet can make a big difference towards your health & fitness goals.

Something to have a think about moving forward or if you feel STUCK!

Be kind to yourself, make small changes, keep it simple, have fun and stay in control at the same time.

In a nutshell – create BALANCE in your life & enjoy the process.

Remember always celebrate the small wins you make for yourself with your health and fitness to keep yourself motivated and on track.

 Until next time, your friendly Healthy Habits Ninja

If you’d like to find out more about creating healthy habits, download my 5 FREE Healthy Habits Secrets video where I share more ways you can finally overcome the challenge of sticking to an eating and fitness routine that works for YOU!!


Download Now:My 5 Healthy
Habit Secrets.

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